What indicate the term INDUSTRY 4.0?
Industry 4.0 is the fourth industrial revolution and terms the intelligent production in logistics and production technology at the M2M (machine-to-machine) communication and is stand for the international digitization of the industry.
The basic mindset of the industry is the "smart factory" (Smart Factory), which is characterized by versatility, resource efficiency, ergonomic design and the integration of customers and partners in business and value-added processes.
Base is the availability of all relevant information in real time through networking of all entities involved in the value and the ability to derive from the data the optimum value at all times flow. By connecting people, objects and systems arise dynamic, real-time optimized and self-organizing, corporate Cross value networks, can be optimized according to various criteria such as cost, availability and resource consumption.
INDUSTRY 4.0 - Technological progression & IT-Safeness
Industry 4.0 is currently still a research agenda. To date, there are very few products or implementation guidance, for the investment decisions of companies. The standard is still not currently defined and therefore no reliable statement can be made on which technology the industrial revolution will prove sustainable.
However, technical standards are not enough. The greater part of the value added in machine and plant engineering, but also in automation is already out of the software development. Their complexity continues to grow strongly. Software systems for the fourth generation industry must be produced economically sustainable, be efficient and reliable, remain manageable despite the growing complexity.
The most frequently expressed apprehension about IT security is that the data are not secure for loosing business secrets and closely guarded knowledge of the company would disclose the competition. These fears are taken very seriously and it will be an guarantee reference system developed. IT security for industry 4.0 is also a high priority in the new IT security research program of the German Federal Government.

Application examples INDUSTRIE 4.0